The Old Man Habits

When I started my working life, it was normal for us 'creative types' to work late into the night, often crossing to the next morning, and coming back to the office or studio when it's almost afternoon.

This was the culture I see all around me. This was the main incentive for the supposed 'flexible work hours'.

I did not work in a creative or marketing agency. But I had friends around where I worked, who do work in agencies. And this was the culture.

Today, I practice what I call 'old man habits' — trying to sleep early and rise early to get a head start in the day. And I found, for many years now, that the work done in the earlier part of the day often has more 'mass'. Call it productivity, barakah, focus, flow etc. Whatever you choose to call it, it's true.

Of course, there are days when everything felt awful and all I want to do is to lie in and not get up till much later. Sometimes I fight it, and sometimes I don't. But those days will eat you up if you allow it to.


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