Against the Equilibrium

Any kind of change will require one of two things — 

Either an action that changes the course or refraining from actions that stay the course.

Want a toned, well shaped body? You have to work on it — meaning spend time at the gym, put in the hours for cardio etc… but you need to abstain from indulging yourself when it comes to food intake. Perhaps your current state is because of excessive intake.

I’m using the physical body example because it is most relatable. But in life and business, we find this to be true as well.

Sometimes, we fool ourselves into thinking that for any one thing to have progress, we have to DO more. Act more. When the reality is that perhaps, we just have to slow down, and resist the temptations to act.

We would go from seminar to seminar without actually starting a business. 

We would keep adjusting our Facebook ad budget every few days without allowing ourselves to learn why it fails. 

We would keep hiring and firing people without allowing them to grow and find a place of belonging in our company. 

In those cases, a little bit of delay and contemplation might do us more good than quick reactive actions. 

The middle way is what is expected of us, and it is not because it is easy.


The Old Man Habits


About showing up.