I’m gonna start a daily BLOG.

Hey there world… how’s it going. COVID’s still got you? Hang in there yeah?

It’s been a crazy 2020. Hasn’t it? I hope it’s going great for you. If it is… you’re very lucky. Most of us, inhabitants of this planet, especially among us, the human species, things haven’t been too great.

As for me, it’s a fight. We’re very fortunate to still be alive and kicking (I’m talking about the business, Neu Entity) even when many businesses we know shut down or have to go into dormant mode. However, we weren’t spared from the impact of COVID, and especially in the Circuit Breaker period.

Everyone’s cutting costs, so we understand some of the withdrawals we had in terms of paying clients.

As mentioned, this is a fight… we are trying to make up for the losses incurred.

So it is extremely humbling to see the team and our clients that stuck with us continue to support us in every shape and form.

I’ve got nothing but respect, gratitude and admiration for these people.

With that said, I wish to start a daily blog.

It has always been my wish to document this journey of mine. The struggles, the wins, the funny and the unexplained.

I haven’t been doing a great job at it.

It was excuses over excuses. Needed to paint the wall, because it was too brown. Needed blue lighting, since it’s visually on point to my brand’s design language. Needed a heavy duty microphone, because audio is key. Needed a DSLR, because that beautiful bokeh is to die for. etc etc

I’m never good at video. I think I’ve gotten a bit more comfortable with it, but it has never been my strength.

Writing on the other hand… this feels natural. It flows. Like pouring tea from a well made teapot with a perfect spout.

Especially as I embraced the purpose statement I’ve defined for myself, writing is definitely the best way for me.

So yeah, daily blog. This is happening. Lesser censorship. More thoughts.

It’s going to be on branding, design, and stuff around my life as a father, brand strategist, agency founder etc.

Hope you’ll stick around. See you tomorrow.


The impression of Busyness


How Past Bad Experiences Can Deny Us of Good Things in Future