What we can do amid the COVID-19 outbreak from branding and marketing POV
This outbreak has affected all of us — whether we are in business or not. For those of us running businesses, we may see drops in revenue, biz dev & marketing activities, operations and even morale. Yet the message we get from the government and world leaders is that life should go on. We cannot be at a standstill because of this.
Welcome to the new site
I’ve always wanted to capture this journey I’m on. One of entrepreneurship, branding, creativity, family and life from my perspective. Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve always been fascinated by websites. A place on the internet one can call home. A shopfront in the virtual world. A piece of digital property that gives a business entity credibility and trust.
3 Things to Consider When You’re Stuck with Your Branding
A good place to start thinking about what you’re about to do is to really look at the purpose of why you’re doing what you do. The Why — one of the hardest questions to answer for any business. However, if you manage to articulate your purpose in such clarity that it could even be inspirational and serve as a rally call for others to join your cause… and of course, you have to truly believe in it… then I think you’ve got a good start.